Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Bruce Lee's Advice to Animators

Bruce Lee, Speaks On Animation.... on Vimeo

Wassup people. Haven't blogged properly in a while. Really sorry, just had so much going on. Come April 16th, I begin my final term in St Martins. Got a lot to do. I'm off for 2 more weeks so I'm working on some things from last term as well as some experiments so, I’ll post it as soon as. In the mean time here is my second lip synch task. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I feel really happy with it because of how much I learnt. On the other, I feel disappointed because it’s not the animation or result I see in my head. I did this in about 6 days (conception to realisation) but I know if I had more time, it could have been better. It would take me longer than a professional to do it, weeks longer, due to lack of experience, but this animation has convinced me that I could be a decent animator. Why not right? I’m really frustrated at the moment because I have so many unanswered questions, questions that can only be answered by me. My own journey of constant practice and trial & error. But my course will be over come June and I’m worried that I won’t have the creative freedom I have now in a working environment. I feel like I’m under achieving. I guess my final film will be the make or break.

This piece is just like all the animation I’ve done, I see nothing but areas I want to improve. Acting, arcs, design, drawings the list is long, and the explanation is longer so I won’t go into it, but if you wanna know what I think, let me know. And let me know what you think and how I can improve it.

And Again….


Following is some of the development work i did.

Naked Animation

Seeing some Prince of Egypt Model sheets supplied by Paul Stone (resident animator and another teacher) gave me the idea of animating the form first. My anatomy isn't great, but it did give me some understanding of whats going on underneath. Next time, I won't do it so detailed.

Bruce Lee, Speaks On Animation....phase 02 on Vimeo


Martial Artists Always have powerful hands so i thought it'd be a good idea to do some hand studies. I don't think I did them to well in the animation, but I'll keep at it. The first set were done from memory, the second from life.

The Master..Bruce Lee...
While I'm here, might as well tell you of the show I went to see last wednesday. Jump, Peacock Theatre in Holborn. If you like martial arts, comedy and animation, yes animation, go see this. I was so inspired, i'm gonna attempt an animated walk from the show, pics below.

Ok, I'm done now. :)


John said...

really cool! I love animation!!! But not bruce lee. who is bruce lee? hmm?
Go 2 www.johnscooljunk.blogspot.com

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

hehehe wes,,,
yes definately you can be an great animator,,,,boody hell this piece is amaizing, and seeing that you first did nake and them clothed lee, it look a kind of transparent cloths, I know that wasn´t your intention but looks cool...
the arcs,,,ohh what great stuff, the headin conjuction with the hand,,,uaaau,,,,this is a piece of animation you vcan really proud of,,,no jokes,,,really good,,,,and your scketches and thoughs,,,impressive how deep you have to wonder before start animating...
loking foward...

messytimbo said...

i won't go into details coz i've spoke to you many times about this piece of animation. But you should feel extremely proud of this. I’ve seen animation the on the TV and on onedotzero and the net by so called "animator" that doesn't even come close to this. and you've only been doing it a mere six months.

Imagine what your next piece of lip sync will look like, especially if your given enough time to do it in.

All I can say is KEEP IT UP!

Michelle said...

This is really good, I love your attention to detail with the movement of the sleeves. The hands are great, very graceful.

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

hehehe wes....
come on,,,show us what hahe you been doing?...I bet you got already some nice ideas for your short...

libra bear said...

Thanx for the kind words guys. Makes me feel I'm doing something right.

Daniel, I'll probably have something done by the end of the week, but honestly, I haven't done as much as I wanted. I've done some of my task project, but it's far from finished. I'll post as soon as. :)

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

yes wes,,,it´s not a problem, the point is that it takes time, If I use another rig(character) I have to adjust it, like visual style, it might more difficult than starting from scratch, for me, who don´t understant maya very well,,,
Yeah the animation will be easier tha production, because the background characters will move very little, manly the general will be full animated..
so I´ve started modelling very simple characters,Hope I´ll finish the production very soon.

El said...

Hi Wes, hope you've had a great holiday. Obviously I've seen this piece of animation at various stages in college, but it really is very impressive. Like everyone else has said, you should be chuffed with the result. I am always so blown away by how much preparation work and thought goes into what you do, it's rare to see such dedication. I just wish you were more positive about it! You're an extremely talented animator, and like Tim said, you've only been doing it for 6 months - I'm really looking forward to seeing your final project ideas. You rock dude!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that animation is really good

thai said...

I'm speechless, Wes. Your stuffs are fantastic! The sketches, the animations, I love them all. Can't wait to see your final project!

Unknown said...

Hi... I'm daniel's friend from Brasil, and I came here throw his blog...

Christ saake, man... your are insane!! Very very nice animation!
Your draw style, the cloth moviments, the timing animation... all together with Bruce Lee... AWESOME!!!! I saw the others ones to... really coll!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to finally see your work on the WOOOOOOOOorldWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDEWEB, Love it. Keep doing u ! Stay Blessed and very focused we are well proud(",) xx

g1toons said...

do you know if this is only playing back home or will the tour come to the states? is there a website i tried to google it but could not find anything

DeJarnette Designs said...

Love the Bruce Lee animation. Bruce is my favorite Martial Artist. Good job.