Sunday, 27 November 2011

New Reel

And Again....


Zaff said...

really nice

L Rossi said...

yum! :)
Nice to see all your bits come together....
but you decided against putting in the CG then?

libra bear said...

Kristian: thanks dude, if you want to swap reels I'll be happy to..... ;)

Zaff: Cheers, glad you like

Rossi: Thanks man, I actually havent got my 3D footage yet that's why it's not in, but I was applying for something specific so it wasn't needed. This was put together quickly. I'll have fresher reel with more content in a few months. I see this as more of a teaser. Lol

L Rossi said...

More content in a few months!!
It's like Capcom!
-Wes Reel 2011
-Super Wes Reel 2011
-Super Wes Reel 2011 3D Edition

libra bear said...

Rossi: haha. Thats a good way of looking at it I suppose. Then again knowing me I'll probably have a completely new reel. Still want to keep it this short though. I'm guessing people want to spend as little time as possible looking at reels

Ken said...

Lookin gooood bro! I wanna see super wes reel alpha 3.2 - that would be awesome. Hows things down in Lundun?

libra bear said...

How about wes reel super turbo mega alpha arcade edition 2011b, directors cut. Would that help. Lol. Lundun is good man, I in Glasgow?

Doublewatcher said...

I've been of the net for a while, I've just seen this. This is lovely, who needs 3D!

roory said...

Hey Wes, this reel is really nice. Great to see your work!

Anyway I really hope your well and life is good down there!

libra bear said...

Paul: Thanks man, yeah I know what you mean and it's not like my 3D skills are great any way. Haha

Brewery: Thanks. I'm unsure of who this is to be honest, but I get the feeling you know me well